Pandemija i izmenjen način poslovnog angažovanja
Usvojena strategija državnog vlasništva i upravljanja privrednim subjektima u vlasništvu Srbije
Kada će početi isplata zahteva u postupku restitucije?
’In view of the exceptional and unique character’ of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
Corona Reconstruction Fund stopped for the time being
Устав непромењен, а када ће, не знамо
Чему преговори са опозицијом у паралелној стварности
Da li su ljudska prava univerzalna?
Poređenje srednjovekovnog i modernog prava
Squaring the Circle? International Surveillance, Underwater Cables and EU-US Adequacy Negotiations
Supercharging Energy Solidarity? The Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-848/19 P Germany v Poland
Misunderstanding the European Commission’s dispute with AstraZeneca
Some Thoughts on Free Speech, Language, and the Rule of Law
Free speech or censorship? Social media litigation is a hot legal battleground
Poslanici izabrali Jasminu Vasović za predsednicu Vrhovnog kasacionog suda
EU Law Intro 2: understanding treaties and legal framework (Lecture 2: Part A)
Šta donosi novi nacrt zakona o izmenama i dopunama zakona o penzijskom i invalidskom osiguranju?
EU Law intro 1: Understanding treaties and legal framework (Lecture 1)
The CJEU dismissed the People’s Climate Case as inadmissible: the limit of Plaumann is Plaumann